Quick eResources
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External eResources
Sydney Morning Herald and The Daily Telegraph
Available weekdays at all branches, and weekends at HJ Daley Library, Campbelltown.
Online daily newspapers
Several newspapers are available to read online with BorrowBox.
Back issue newspapers
At the HJ Daley Library, Campbelltown we keep two weeks of back issues of each newspaper in hard copy (on paper).
We have the Sydney Morning Herald back to 1831 on microfilm. We also keep back issues of our local newspapers, Macarthur Chronicle and Campbelltown Advertiser, on microfilm.
Databases & eResources
Your Campbelltown City Library card gives you access to the State Library of NSW online resources, including local and international newspapers, full-text journals, magazines, online databases, eBooks and eAudiobooks.
Register with your library card or email address to access eResources and eBooks from the State Library of NSW.
GALE Nursing and Allied Health
Research full-text titles cited in CINAHL and other resources to support specialized care, treatment, and patient management.
Access full-text medical journals, magazines, reference works, multimedia, and much more.
Multicultural Health Communication Service
A multilingual health information database that provides consultancy services to health services and programs. Develops and delivers, in partnership with health services and community organisations, health information and campaigns for culturally and linguistically diverse communities.
ProQuest Coronavirus Research Database
Including coverage of the COVID-19 outbreak, this database curates openly available content related to coronaviruses.
Information about alcohol and other drugs for the community of New South Wales.
Anyone can borrow ePress, eBooks and eAudiobooks free with nothing more than a quick download and the details on their library card.
Trove Digitised Newspapers and Gazettes
Search Trove to explore amazing collections from Australian libraries, universities, museums, galleries and archives. It’s free and available online all day, every day. Everything you would find on a visit to a library or museum can be found in Trove. It brings together billions of pieces of information.
The Koori Mail is a 100% Aboriginal owned and controlled newspaper.
Access major newspapers online to search articles instantly by title, headline, date, or other fields. Includes Australian News Limited and Fairfax newspapers.
ProQuest Historical Newspapers
Holds 3 newspapers covering leading issues and events, like the gold rush, federation, international politics, society and business.
GALE National Geographic Virtual Library
Browse this cross-searchable platform for research insight from journalism's most trusted name in exploration and discovery.
Gain a deeper understanding of literary texts through a wide variety of contextual resources like videos, images, infographics, eBooks and more.
GALE Literature Resource Center
Find up-to-date biographies, overviews, full-text criticisms, audio interviews, and reviews on writers from all eras.
Discover the world's most influential people by searching narrative biographies, news, magazine, and multimedia content.
Answer the age-old question, "What do I read next?" Search and match reading interests to books, authors, genres, or topics.
Still one of the largest collections of free public domain works online.
Indyreads is a free eBook and eAudiobook platform provided by the State Library of New South Wales. All you need is your library card number and PIN to access over twenty thousand titles.
GALE Communications and Mass Media
Search millions of articles covering all aspects of communications, including advertising, public relations, and more.
Access a range of periodical content to explore cultural differences, contributions, and influences in the global community.
Uncover information on hundreds of the most significant people, events, and topics in world history from a variety of sources.
Research a vocation, find an appropriate institution of learning, and get assistance on job searches and maintaining a career.
Explore the world's companies through expert analysis such as SWOT analyses, financial statements, case studies and articles from academic journals, trade magazines, news outlets and more.
Discover well-rounded coverage of both the historical and current state of affairs in the hospitality and tourism industries.
Access general interest magazines and key serials in a single resource. Best for general research.
ProQuest Publicly Available Content Database
Designed to complement other databases and collections, this database brings together or links to full text for publicly available scholarly content from a number of different sources from around the world.
GreenFILE is a research database covering all aspects of human impact to the environment. Its collection of scholarly, government and general-interest titles includes content on global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more.
State Library of NSW eResources
SLNSW's eResources include databases and websites that give access to a range of materials such as journals, magazines, newspapers, ebooks, audiobooks, dictionaries, multilingual material and tutorials for learning a language, online films, images.
GALE Australia and New Zealand
Access comprehensive periodical content with a focus on Australia and New Zealand, complemented by global news, reference, and multimedia coverage.
Research authoritative Australian and global content on Informit's public databases.
Understand environmental issues that affect people globally through topic overviews, journals, news, and multimedia content.
Understand context for hundreds of science topics through overviews, journals, news, interactive experiments, and more.
Manipulate 3D interactive models to visualize and understand concepts in biology, chemistry, earth, and space science.
GALE Smithsonian Collections Online
Search rare nineteenth and twentieth-century archives on topics like the evolving modes of flight, World's Fairs, and more.
Explore amazing adventures in science, nature, culture, archaeology, and space.
Find overviews, news, and opinions on hundreds of today's important social issues.
Analyze important global issues and events through topic overviews, international viewpoints, news, and multimedia content.
Contains technical provisions for the design and construction of buildings and other structures.
Standards Australia is the country’s leading independent, non-governmental, not-for-profit standards organisation.
eSafety is Australia's independent regulator for online safety. We educate Australians about online safety risks and help to remove harmful content such as cyberbullying of children, adult cyber abuse and intimate images or videos shared without consent.
Australian Competition & Consumer Commission
The ACCC promotes competition in markets to benefit consumers, businesses, and the community. They regulate national infrastructure services and are responsible for making sure that individuals and businesses comply with Australian competition and consumer protection laws - in particular the Competition and Consumer Act 2010.
Free legal information for the community of New South Wales.
HSC4ME is an online resource to help students with their studies. Sign up with your name, password, year level and school to create an account for free.
Review HSC exam packs from previous years.
An unsurpassed guide for researchers in any discipline to the meaning, history, and usage of over 500,000 words and phrases across the English-speaking world.